Phast Phorward

I am a slacker! Yes I have not posted but this does not mean I have not been doing some awesome runs with great people, so heres the recap (oldest to newest).

Nelson Area (south)

Doing the Pink Jeep thing with some people from out of town. This was a quick run around Keyhole canyon to Nobb hill, then down Power-line wash trail, a jaunt down to Montana wash and back up Aztec to Nelson.





Went out with the Vegas Valley Four Wheeler’s down to Logandale, NV (my first time). Big group with some very challenging trails.




Went on a night run down around the Kingman Arizona area, lot of mines and steep drop off’s (or they at least seem steeper at night “yikes”). Started at 7pm and got home around 4am. Very rocky technical trail which kept you very busy for 2-3 hours.



Burro Wash

This one started out as a ride around Bootleg Canyon (Boulder City, NV) but new signs posted (1k fines) made us change our plans, since we were so close to the trail head we bolted down Burro wash. My Daughter Nicole first ride along (even had her drive some of it) and we had a blast!




Somebody wanted to shoot some video of a bunch of jeep rolling down Las Vegas Boulevard (The Strip), so a bunch of us gathered up on a Tuesday night at a local IN-and-Out and rolled down the strip. Unfortunately it was a very disorganized group and all the jeep got separated and scattered. This video was shot by someone near the front. If the video footage from the organizer surfaces at some point i’ll post it also.

That’s about it, no new improvements to the Jeep recently but hope to get my new front bumper soon (will do a write up on it when it arrives). One last item of note is that I re-wrote the Vegas Valley Four Wheeler’s website to include tons of features for club members. If you wheel in the 702 make sure you hit up a meeting to learn more about this group of fine folk.


Tie Rod Canyon

Did this run with The Vegas Valley Four Wheeler’s and had a blast! Met some awesome people that where both in my group and met along the way. This trail had some difficult spots and really pushed the limit of my JKU. A set of rear lockers would have helped and sway bar disconnects (adding soon!). We also traveled through Carnage Canyon (great name). Learn more about it here. The trail had a few groups of riders and I came across a couple of Wayalife members (Notajerryskid & MTG) along they way who were running with the 702WarMachines. Here are a couple of images of the run.

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